Seven news recently aired a feature story about Prostate Screen Australia.
Journalist Sally Eeles interviewed patient, Mark Wockner about his personal experience with prostate cancer and prostate cancer testing. Mark described his motivations for wanting to be tested including his strong positive family history and the fact that he wanted to ensure his longevity to raise his three young children. Mark went on to say that a short visit at Prostate Screen Australia involved a blood test and a physical examination and that gave him a ‘years piece of mind’ – well worth it he says.
Medical Director and founder of Prostate Screen Australia Dr Peter Swindle discussed the risks of benefits of prostate cancer testing and that recent research had shown that testing can reduce the death rate from prostate cancer by anywhere between 21% and 38%.
If you want to be proactive and get tested… click here to make an appointment or call 1300 10 33 33.